Running Shoes

And the King will answer and say to them,

'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one

of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.

Matthew 25:40

Running Shoes...

I have this favorite pair of running shoes.  They fit perfectly.  They are not fancy or expensive but I ran my first, and only half marathon in them so they hold tons of sentimental value for me.  I  brought them on this trip because I expected to do a lot of walking and these old lady feet just ain't what they used to be.  I have to be perfectly honest, when I realized that I would have to wear them to an outreach we were doing to the families that live in the garbage dump, I was a bit worried that they would be ruined but I had no choice.

As the bus pulled in, I noticed small tent like structures and dilapidated shacks literally sitting on top of garbage..not by it but in it.    When the door opened, we were hit by the stench of rotting food, smoke and feces.  It was so powerful that we put on surgical masks coated with Vicks to avoid becoming ill.  I was thankful that I had sturdy shoes because as I walked around giving out food and clean water  there were places that I would literally sink into the ground because of the rotting garbage.  The kids live here, filthy, ragged, and full of parasites.  Many are barefoot.  Shoes are a luxury here. The people scour the garbage for rotting food and nothing is wasted.  They separate the food into piles, rotting meat in one, rotting vegetables in another. Thousands of flies swarm in and around the food as the women sort and the men and children dig through trash. 

I can see why these children are a perfect target for traffickers.  Any parent could easily be convinced to sell their child if it meant that they could hold on to hope that the child has a chance, even the slightest chance, of escaping this life.  Hope is not something that survives the garbage dumps very well.

As I watched our team bathe the kids, wash feet, and give out food and clothing  I noticed something that so touched my heart.  The more we became engrossed in serving these precious people and showing even these small acts of love and kindness, the less we noticed the smell and the filth.  The masks came off.  Personally, I was frustrated that the kids could not see me smile with the mask on.   So off mine went.  I never noticed the smell of the dump again. It is amazing how genuine love, doesn't notice dirt, or smell, or lice, or garbage as it seeks to serve. 

The kids were eager to hear us tell them about this Jesus who had sent us. they were also so happy to get new clothes and clean water to drink.  I felt so overwhelmed by their need but I knew that in some small way, at least today I was able to help.  Tomorrow belongs to God and I must have faith for that.

I don't know who started it but as we boarded the bus to go home, one of our team members removed their shoes and gave them to one of the kids.  Another followed suit and then another.  I was already on the bus and had packed my favorite running shoes safely in a plastic travel bag.  I reached under the seat, grabbed my shoes and handed them out the door.  There is nothing to describe the sight of these kids walking away in our big old shoes.  I am not sure who ended up with mine, but I know God does and He was pleased with the fact that at least today, we all gave our best.  

The kingdom of heaven is like this... that we give from our hearts...the very best we have to give.  God did! He gave us his one and only son....the very best He had!  Today we had an opportunity to give back to Him and it was awesome!

Love from the road,


Julie Schaecher

Inspirational speaker and author of the book “Messed Up” - A guide to finding your way forward.



Blind Eyes